Visit Clinic Website - Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Visit Clinic provide simple medical online services. Visit Clinic is a pharmaceutical and doctor visit management system with easy to use feature and affordable to many people. The website portal enable collaborations between patient, pharmacy, doctor, and medical sales agent in order to make visit doctor, buy and sell medicine through online website portal. The privacy is developed between Visit Clinic and all other customer / users to the system.

The customers / users are (pharmacy, doctor, personal user, and medical sales agent). The privacy will consider the website as the first main persona and all other persons considered the second person. Customer privacy important to the company and the company secured all communication channels with the customer to protect their data and make sure the customer information’s in a safe place.  

Collected and Received Data

The system will receive submitted information’s from customers and kept in system secured connection and secured data. Customer data can include but not limited to

1- Patient information’s such as name, mobile number, personal email, address, and other information’s

2- Patient personal health information is secured and responsible persons only can view/browse this information’s such as doctor and patient only.

3- Doctor information’s such as name, mobile, clinic name, clinic other information’s, clinic visits, patient visit, and medicine orders considered secured and not available to anyone.

4- Pharmacy information’s such as medicine order, pharmacy mobile, pharmacy location and sales orders are secured and available to pharmacy owner only.

5- Medical sales agent responsible for providing sales medicine orders only and the information’s such as medicine names, prices or other information’s considered vital to the sales agent and these information’s are secured.

Use of information

All information’s created by the customer considered the customer property and not for other people rights to view or sell these information’s. The customer have rights to create and delete these information’s from the system. The provided information can be from the following but not limited to

1- Payment information considered official online gateway to pay money through digital and secured communication channel. All payment information’s kept inside secured data.

2- Contact information’s: the system will use company information (email) and user’s official email to send regular updates from the system to make sure everyone get the latest products or services updates.

3- Anonymized information will be collected to enhance the system provided functionalities like security issues, web forms updates and users request for changes.  

Disclosure of information

The company can officially disclose information to government or law enforcement because of a certain challenges like officially opened case, the official government cases and law enforcement will help people and society to stop illegal issues and terrorism threats.

The customer (pharmacy, doctor, personal user, and medical sales agent) can get their information directly from the website and print them and this action considered as the customer disclosure responsibility. The company will use website hosting services so the hosting company will make sure that the website is secured and there are no coming risks from unethical people / hackers.

The company will keep copies of all manipulated information’s as a reference to the company when a challenge happen or will happen in the future. The system will notify people when someone view their information to make sure that they know who is accessing their information like Doctor when open a new visit the patient will get notification as a reference to the operation.  

Data Retention

The company will not remove or delete or suspend information’s as long as customer will not delete these information’s form the website.  

Cookie Policy

The system will use cookie to provide the provided functionalities, please enable cookie from your internet explorer browser.  

Transmission and Storage Security

The information’s are stored in internet cloud in Internet providing hosting services and data will manipulate through online website portal. The data will communicate through secured online channel from the internet hosting services and the company will make sure there are no risks from using the website. 

Restriction on the basis of age

The website has no restriction to order medicine or browse the website all information’s considered safe to use for all customer ages. 

Your Rights

The website portal designed for Middle-East countries and can be used internationally as well in other mentioned countries like USA or through international user. The provided information’s from users considered his own information’s and can easily edit or change or completely remove these information’s from the website portal. The website designed to use from internet and if there is any issues please feel free to contact customer service by email  

Changes to this Policy

The company can make updates to the policy and if this happen the company will provide this policy enforcement to all customers through email to keep them updates with the latest changes.  Contact UsIf you have any question please send an email to the company customer service at